The ImmutableID Match in AADC environments

This is about environments where an AADC (Azure Active Directory Connector) server syncs a local AD to AzureAD / O365. There are matching rules and key attributes that handle the sync relationship between a cloud object and it’s corresponding local AD object. AADC does its job fairly well and you don’t need to care about […]

Convert a GUID into Base64 and vice versa

The Azure AD Connector (AADC) syncs user objects between local ADs and the Azure AD / O365. In most situations, the user sync uses the GUID (Global Unique Identifiers) values as a matching attribute that connects the local and the cloud account. Just because the GUID is globally unique and it (usually) does not change […]

What exactly does SKU stand for again?

In the world of Microsoft O365 licenses, you hear very often the term “SKU“. There are O365 cloud service products that are described as “SKU“, you get license information with PowerShell commands with “SKU-something” in the name, they have “SKU IDs” or “Account SKU IDs“… …what appears here as “SKU Partnumber” appears elsewhere as “Product […]

Find pending Hybrid Joined Devices

Some time ago I had a troubleshooting case at one of our customers: The environment was configured for Hybrid Azure AD joined devices. We discovered a small subset of all devices (<1%) had issues to join the Azure AD tenant correctly. We found the root cause and we even had a local fix for the […]