Troubleshooting “No match was found for the specified criteria and module name”

This is a post in a series of blog articles about troubleshooting typical error situations in PowerShell cmdlets in the cloud. This time it’s about… Install-Module You try to install a Powershell Module, for example MSOnline, AzureAD, AzureADPreview, ExchangeOnlineManagement or some other module from the PowerShell Gallery needed for cloud scripting. And then, you get […]

Azure AD in the Feedback Loop

Have you ever come across any part of Azure AD that really annoyed you? Because a detail didn’t work the way you imagined? Or because a feature wasn’t there or wasn’t working as common sense would expect? Well, maybe you’re not the only one struggling with this one specific problem. How about a check on […]

Where do you come from ? … The onPremisesDistinguishedName Property

Most Azure AD tenants are synchronized from an on-premises Active Directory environment. The AADC server synchronizes accounts from different organizational units (OUs), different domains – possibly even from different forests. However, you lose all hierarchical information up there – Azure AD stores all accounts in the same flat structure. So, wouldn’t it be nice to […]

How to install and use the AzureAD PowerShell module

This is a short article about how to install and use the AzureAD PowerShell module. This is the module that provides all the cmdlets like “Get-AzureADUser”.If you want to script with O365 and Azure objects (users, groups…), then AzureAD is one of the important modules for you. There is another article on this blog with […]

How to install and use the MSOL PowerShell module

This is a short article about how to install and use the MSOnline PowerShell module – also called the MSOL module, because it provides all these cmdlets like “Get-MSOLUser”. If you want to script with O365 and Azure objects (users, groups…), then MSOL is one of the important modules for you. There is another article […]